Content and Pedagogy:

Intersection in the NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Education

Mark Enfield, Michigan State University, [email protected]


The Standards: Content and Pedagogy

Standard 1: Content

Standard 5: Pedagogy

Summary of the Standards

Considering PCK as an essential tenet in Science Teacher Education

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Something not sufficiently addressed

Making a case for a new model



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The field of education has been challenged to define teaching and teacher education. Defining something like teaching is no simple task. One might think of the task, instead of a static action that can be universally defined, as the current paradigm that dominates our thinking about best practices for teaching. Based on this paradigm we can generate criteria to define and assess teaching, learning and teacher education. Science education is no exception. However, it is important to remember that these are the criteria based on the current paradigm. Just as paradigms have shifted in scientific thinking (Kuhn, 1996) so have paradigms of teaching. If we concede that standards are sets of criteria that reflect the current dominant views of a community, then it can be useful to have such standards to examine the assumptions, values, and beliefs of science teaching, learning, and science teacher education. Certain documents define the content students should learn (e.g. Benchmarks for Science Literacy) and similar documents describe the role of the teacher (e.g. The National Science Education Standards). Recently a number of organizations joined efforts to produce a similar set of criteria for science teacher education. These "draft" standards will be the focus of this discussion. Some (Veal and MaKinster, 1999) feel that there has been explicit mention of the importance of pedagogical content knolwedge (PCK) in the Standards.  However, we feel that the connections between content and pedagogy, the role of PCK as part of learning to teach science, should be made more explicit in both the text and the organization of the document.

Rationale for a Non-Linear Presentation (Ashmann)

Veal and MaKinster, 1999

The NSTA Standards for science teacher education proposes a linear model, which does not accurately reflect the views of the entire science education community. To illustrate how it is problematic, this discussion will look at two of those standards; Standard One addresses content knowledge understandings and Standard Five addresses the pedagogy of science teaching. The intent will be to show how the standards are inextricably linked when taken in context. The links between standards invite us to think about how the linear model could restructured into a less linear model. Further, it will introduce what we feel is a missing piece of this document, namely the inclusion of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), as an essential tenet in the current thinking about science teacher education.  
It is our position that Content and Pedagogy should not be treated as mutually exclusive. However, the structure of the standards may lead to this conclusion. Examination of Standards One and Five shows an overlap across standards. Considering the consequences of this overlap invites us to consider an alternate conception of the standards. A model is proposed here, see figure 1, which joins content and pedagogy into an essential tenet of the document. This is an argument for a more connected and contextualized thinking about the preparation of teachers. In order to make this clear, it will be helpful to look at each of these areas as described in the NSTA Standards. Through this examination we will ask, "Should we consider PCK when generating a framework of standards?" We think that a non-linear, PCK inclusive model better reflects the challenges and consequences involved in science teaching. Therefore, a new, less linear model of standards will be proposed. Finally, we can look at this proposal and what it potentially offers science teacher education. This model will allow us to begin to ask important questions of the model and of PCK as related to science teacher education. We can ask, "How does such a model help us think differently about science teacher education?" A Non-Linear Format (Ashmann)

Figure 1.

The Standards: Content and Pedagogy

Standard 1: Content

What is meant by content? From our reading, content refers to the science knowledge a teacher should possess. In this regard, the authors of the NSTA Standards have effectively woven together a complex set of ideas into a neat, easily understandable set of standards for science teacher education. They state:


"The program [teacher education] prepares candidates to structure and interpret the concepts, ideas and relationships in science that are needed to advance student learning in the area of licensure as defined by state and national standards developed by the science education community. Content refers to:

-> Concepts and principles understood through science.

-> Concepts and relationships unifying science domains.

-> Processes of investigation in a science discipline.

-> Applications of mathematics in science research." (National Science Teachers Association, 1998)

It is hard to find fault in these standards. We all hope that new teachers will possess sufficient content understandings to teach science.

Quote in context
However, there is a lot to cover in these four brief statements. To resolve this, the authors thoroughly address and consider major theories of learning and some research that have taken place in the science education community. Among teaching and learning theories related to science education they address constructivism, use of analogy and metaphor, abstract or didactic teaching methods, conceptual understanding, and others (National Science Teachers Association, 1998). This shows the recognition the authors had that content understanding relies on much more than the rote memorization of facts.

Further the authors recognize that people in content disciplines teach many content specific courses. Specifically they state,

"The content knowledge of the prospective science teacher is developed primarily in science courses taught by science faculty. Assigning the development of the skills and knowledge required by this standard to one or even several science methods courses is unlikely to produce the depth of understanding needed for effective teaching practice. All science teacher candidates should be provided with a carefully designed, balanced content curriculum leading to a demonstrated knowledge of the concepts and relationships they are preparing to teach." (National Science Teachers Association, 1998)

While this is realistic and practical, it says little about teaching. Teaching is left to Standard Five, which deals with pedagogy.

Quote in context
Standard 5: Pedagogy

The NSTA Standards authors define a model of pedagogy familiar to teachers and teacher educators. This model includes: actions and strategies of teaching, organization of classroom experiences, providing for diverse learner needs, evaluation and implementation of learner's prior notions, and transformation of ideas into understandable pieces. (National Science Teachers Association, 1998) These familiar notions were clearly described in Borko and Putnam's (1996) review of literature on learning to teach. The treatment in NSTA Standards look exclusively at literature related to science teaching. The tenor of these standards is reflective of teaching standards found in The National Science Education Standards (NSES) (1996).


The National Science Education Standards

The NSTA Standards (1998) suggest that teachers of science should be able to provide all students the opportunity to learn from science instruction, to make sense out of science and to want to do more science. This is in the spirit of the NSES, but no simple task. This statement involves multiple pedagogical tasks including: addressing all students' needs; planning activities that allow and encourage students to learn and reason about problems; trying to make sense of the world; and instilling in students the desire to learn more science. (National Research Council, 1996) Pedagogy

The National Science Education Standards

Summary of the Standards

Looking back at Content and Pedagogy there were some important themes that overlapped in the document. The Content section expected that teachers would be able to make connections and see relationships between concepts. While the Pedagogy section sought to help students learn about scientific problems. Making connections requires an understanding of the problems faced in science learning. The Content section expects science teachers to learn and teach about the process of inquiry, while the Pedagogy section expects teachers to plan experiences for their students to make inquires. This presents the intersection in the learning how to teach the process of inquiry. Making similar connections relies on a facile understanding of both the content students are learning and how students learn.



Considering PCK as an essential tenet in Science Teacher Education

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Something not sufficiently addressed

Why do we consider PCK an essential part of science teacher education? There are many explanations for this. In the following paragraphs and in a subsequent section we will begin to explore PCK as a construct. This allows us to move on to consider the problems students of teaching face by the bifurcation of content and pedagogy implicit in the standards and explicit in university practices. And finally we can begin to examine the assumptions of science, the science education community and the roles that PCK plays in this community.

Lee Shulman (1987) developed the construct of "pedagogical content knowledge" (PCK) in response to some of the problems of teaching and teacher education. This important addition to thinking about teaching is recognized in the content section of the NSTA Standards. Ironically it is only mentioned to explain that the content standard would be looking at the content specific aspect of this construct. There is a connection between content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge in science teaching, which is implicit in many of the statements of the NSTA Standards. Careful reading reveals connections in the two domains that cannot be neglected. For example the pedagogy standard suggests that teachers know about "organization of classroom experiences" (National Science Teachers Association, 1998). However to design such "organizations" requires a deep understanding of content. This is what Shulman (1987) is talking about when stating, "the key to distinguishing the knowledge base of teaching lies at the intersection of content and pedagogy" (pg. 15). Content

Quote in context

In this case, science teachers must have content preparation, which usually takes place outside of colleges of education. Such learning of content presents problems for pre-service teachers and science teacher educators. The NSTA Standards accurately identify major problems with respect to this point. The authors state:

[There is] "a poor match between learner needs and teaching methodology", "in many traditionally taught courses the emphasis is on learning large amounts of information at a rapid pace", and "division of knowledge, for convenience into disciplines, fields and subfields" that "may contain the development of linkages among concepts across fields" (National Science Teachers Association, 1998).

Quote in context
Most science teacher content knowledge comes from disciplinary fields, while understanding of teaching comes from the field of education. This separation, revealed in the problems outlined above, reinforces a model of scientific disciplines that is dissimilar from models of teaching and learning science. Research has shown science teachers approach scientific problems differently than scientists due to their understanding of the pedagogical implications of learning science (Borko & Putnam, 1996; van Driel, Verloop, & de Vos, 1998). Such separation leads students of teaching to have bifurcated understandings of science education.  
Several studies have examined the practical connections of PCK to science teaching. These studies examine the value of attempting to teach this principle to prospective teachers. A recent study by van Driel, Verloop, and de Vos (1998) reviews this literature and finds both support and change in teachers as a result of developing pedagogical content knowledge. They found, through empirical study, that there might be value to having prospective teachers study subject matter from a teaching perspective. This and other studies (e.g. Gee, C., & others, 1996; Lederman, N. & Chang, H., 1994; Glick, J. & others, 1992; Sowdre, J & others, 1991; Smith D.C. & Neale, D.C., 1989) have also shown the importance of PCK in teaching, especially science teaching. To have a set of standards that implies that pedagogy takes precedent over content or vise versa seems to ignore this research.  
Finally, we must think carefully about the scientific ideas and concepts that we would like students to learn. If we accept the shortcomings of empiricism described by Quine (1953), and the linguistic turn outlined by Rorty (1987), we must begin to look for ways to reveal the assumptions and beliefs shared by the scientific community. For example much scientific knowledge is built on evidence. Students of science need to understand the implicit value scientists place on this kind of knowledge. Further these students need to be able to understand the consequences of these ideas and beliefs. Teachers of science need to be prepared to help students uncover the embedded texts of scientific ideas. PCK provides a useful lens for teachers to begin to help students see the assumptions of science. In the example cited above a teacher can help students see the value of evidence in making a scientific claim. However, this requires more than knowing content and how to teach. It requires an understanding of how to teach the content, namely PCK.  
Making a case for a new model

In response to the need for PCK, we propose a model, in which content and pedagogy are joined, forming a leading edge in a less linear model of standards, shown here in Figure 1.


Schematic of Contents Introduction to This Paper Set
Proposed Introduction to the NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Preparation Content and Pedagogy: Intersection in the NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Education

Rationale for a Non-Linear Presentation

Concluding Remarks

The use of hypertext and multimedia tools facilitates a dynamic, representative model of important ideas for teaching and learning science. Using the NSTA Standards, an attempt at such a web-based standards construction was developed. See the companion article by Duggan-Haas, this issue. By expanding our notion of presentation and structure this new form of representation allows for a model that more closely represents the complexity and challenges of science teaching. Schematic of Contents (Duggan-Haas) is essentially identical to Figure 1.
The drafted, linear model builds on the existing bifurcation of content and pedagogy within the university structure. However, it does not recognize the complexities of science teaching and obscures them from prospective teachers of science. Teachers and scientists are different in many ways. Lemke (1990) looked at discursive practices in science education, while Latour and Woolgar (1986), and Traweek (1988) looked at science discourse practices. Comparing these we see distinct differences. Having a separated perspective avoids conflict in these differing views. Is it appropriate for future science teachers to learn and be enculturated into such bifurcation? This question is challenged by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) who calls for an increased number of science courses which allow prospective science teachers to become active rather than passive learners (1998). Active learning involves confronting prospective teachers with conflicts in bifurcation. These teachers will be better prepared to make informed decisions about the content and pedagogy of their science teaching. Project 2061
Changing to an integrated model, based on PCK, requires more coordination between content specialists and pedagogy specialists. Efforts are being made to build such coalitions. These efforts will not easily come and will require extensive work on the part of science teacher educators and scientists. However, the benefits of such a model could outweigh this drawback. The increased costs should be easily outweighed by the benefit of more knowledgeable, flexible and capable teachers. It will be difficult to measure these benefits, but not impossible. Increased primary and secondary student performance would indicate that students were learning more from teachers trained in this model. This is possible through comparison with studies such as TIMSS (Valverde & Schmidt, 1998) and NAEP looking for long term changes. Regardless, this structure is more reflective of the recommendation by AAAS that, "all science teachers are literate enough in science to implement the goals presented in Benchmarks and Standards (1998, pg. 191)." Developing science literacy and the ability to transform this knowledge into learning opportunities requires more than an understanding of content and pedagogy. It requires an understanding of their intersection. For general information on the TIMSS study see...

Project 2061

The National Science Education Standards

It is easier to accommodate larger classes and more students in the bifurcated structure. There can be large courses in colleges of natural science where students passively receive science instruction. Further, in colleges of education, it is possible to have pedagogy courses that are not connected to a particular discipline. This allows colleges of education to offer fewer courses, while accommodating the same number of students. For example if there are only 12 science teacher candidates, a small class under normal circumstances, the college can offer a pedagogy course that is not specific to science and these students are accommodated without the addition of another course.  
However, this is a rather limited approach to teacher preparation. It does not look toward the kinds of knowledge a teacher needs, rather it usually becomes a place to learn management skills and content driven facts. These are only useful to getting through a teaching experience instead of creating competent teacher professionals ready to attack the complex challenges of teaching. Further this is a static view of the problem; it seems to expect that all students are the same. Variation among students makes it necessary to think about content and pedagogy together so that each learning experience can be matched to the current needs of the children. Shulman says this best stating, "bifurcating content and teaching processes have once again introduced into policy what had been merely an act of scholarly convenience and simplification in the research (pg.6)." The non-linear model confronts this bifurcation and challenges its assumptions.  
A further benefit of the non-linear model is an increase of equality. Equalty is important if we are to achieve the goals of Science For All Americans, which strive for science literacy for all Americans (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1989). This is of utmost importance for as Cusick (1992) points out, schools are charged with reducing inequality. Thinking about pedagogy and content together allows a teacher to think about the needs of each student more fully. Applying notions of pedagogy to science content helps reveal what might be problematic for some groups, encourages under-represented groups to participate, and allows for greater flexibility within a classroom based on the ability and interests of students. For example, a recent study looked at how Native American worldviews impacted science learning. Teachers were able to modify learning goals and activities to be sensitive to the worldviews of native Americans. This was a result of these teachers' PCK. (Kawagley, Norris-Tull, & Norris-Tull, 1998) Practitioners well versed in pedagogical content knowledge do not readily adhere to one theory of learning or science. With one student it may be necessary to adjust for their ability, while in other situations it is necessary to recognize the student's conceptions of a topic (Posner, Strike, Hewson, & Gertzog, 1982; Smith, 1990; Watson & Konicek, 1990). Adjusting to students' abilities is manageable in the separated model, this is just good pedagogy. However, most students enter science classrooms with a set of conceptions about the world (Posner et al., 1982; Smith, 1990; Watson & Konicek, 1990). For teachers to build on and challenge student conceptions, it is necessary for teachers to have deep conceptual as well as pedagogical understanding. This application of pedagogical understanding to content understanding is a fundamental premise behind pedagogical content knowledge. Science for All (Duggan-Haas)

Project 2061


The work done in the NSTA Standards for science teacher education lays an excellent foundation for working toward improvement in science teacher preparation. However, the linear model in the presentation fails to carry the message of changing conceptions of the complexity of science teaching. The report "A Nation at Risk" (1983) called for increased academic requirements and increased rigor. While this may be possible in the linear proposal, it is more likely in the non-linear proposal. This seems contradictory to some. However, it has been argued that the coverage of content is less important than depth of understanding (Valverde & Schmidt, 1998). Rigor results from deeper understanding rather than increased coverage. The bifurcated model does not help students of teaching make connections between content understandings and what it takes to teach that content. Without this connection teachers are likely to continue to focus on coverage of material in place of deep conceptual understanding.

A Nation at Risk
If we are to change science learning, it must start with science teaching. This requires a shift of paradigms in the structure of teacher education. The current paradigm of learning to teach is reified in the linear model of standards, which supports existing bifurcation and does not force teachers and students to examine the embedded texts of science knowledge. This begins to resemble another attempt at "tinkering toward utopia" (Tyack & Cuban, 1995) that will leave us short of the goal of Science For All Americans (Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1989). We must make a Kuhnian paradigm shift (Kuhn, 1996) to resolve this problem. Such a shift is found in a model of standards built around PCK, as an essential tenet to making improvements in this problem. While this may be no panacea, it provides opportunities for improvement. Further Steps (Ashmann)

American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1998). Blueprints for reform: Science, Mathematics and Technology education. New York: Oxford University Press.

Borko, H., & Putnam, R. T. (1996). Learning to teach. In D. C. Berliner & R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 673-708). New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan.

Cusick, P. A. (1992). The Education System: Its Nature and Logic. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Kawagley, A. O., Norris-Tull, D., & Norris-Tull, R. A. (1998). The indigenous worldview of Yupiaq culture: Its scientific nature and relevance to the practice of teaching science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35(2), 133-144.

Kuhn, T. S. (1996). The structure of the scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Latour, B., & Woolgar, S. (1986). Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Lemke, J. L. (1990). Talking science: Language, learning and values. Norwood: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

National Commission on Excellence in Education. (1983). A Nation At Risk . Washington DC: US Department of Education.

National Research Council. (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington DC: National Academy Press.

National Science Teachers Association. (1998). CASE draft standards for the preparation of teachers of science .

Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66(2), 221-227.

Quine, W. V. O. (1953). Two Dogmas of Empiricism, From a logical point of view (pp. 20-46). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Rorty, R. (1987). Science as Solidarity. In J. S. Nelson, A. Megill, & D. N. McCloskey (Eds.), The rhetoric of the human sciences: Language and argument in scholarship and public affairs (pp. 38-52). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Rutherford, F. J., & Ahlgren, A. (1989). Science for all Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.

Shulman, L. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57, 1-22.

Smith, E. L. (1990). A conceptual change model of learning science. In S. Glynn, R.Yeany, & B. Britton (Eds.), Psychology of learning science (pp. 43-63). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Traweek, S. (1988). Beamtimes and lifetimes: The world of high energy physics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Tyack, D. B., & Cuban, L. (1995). Tinkering toward utopia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Valverde, G. A., & Schmidt, W. H. (1998). First lessons from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study: Policy challenge of cross-national comparisons. (Unpublished). East Lansing: Michigan State University.

van Driel, J. H., Verloop, N., & de Vos, W. (1998). Developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of research in Science Teaching, 35(6), 673-695.

Veal, W., & MaKinster, J. (1999) Pedagogical Content Knowledge Taxonomies. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 3(4) Article Two.

Watson, B., & Konicek, R. (1990). Teaching for conceptual change: Confronting children's experience. Phi Delta Kappan, 71(9), 680-85.

Schematic of Contents Introduction to This Paper Set
Proposed Introduction to the NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Preparation Content and Pedagogy: Intersection in the NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Education

Rationale for a Non-Linear Presentation

Concluding Remarks